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Enter The Phoenix
0 mensen vonden deze beoordeling nuttig
jan 1, 2024
Voltooid 0
Geheel 5.0
Verhaal 4.0
Acting/Cast 5.0
Muziek 5.0
Rewatch Waarde 5.0
The whole time I expected to be hooked when a couple of elderly actors with crooked teeth swarmed, but no ... The style was uninteresting for me, the comedy contrived, but through the pretty face of Daniel Wu, I got the ending I would imagine just like the reviewer before me. The Czech dubbing is trying, but as I'm already used to those Asian languages, it seemed incongruous, I'll probably never watch this movie again, I apologize to the creators.

Celou dobu jsem čekal, že mě to chytne, kdy se vyrojilo pár postarších herců s křivými zuby, ale ne ... Byl to styl pro mě nezajímavý, komediálnost strojená, ale přes hezkou tvářičku Daniela Wu jsem se dobral konce, který bych si představoval stejně jako recenzent přede mnou. Český dabing snaživý, ale jak už jsem zvyklý na ty asijké jazyky, připadalo mi to nesourodé, tento film si už asi nikdy nepustím, omlouvám se tvůrcům.

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Vond je deze recentie nuttig?
I Luv U Pare Ko
0 mensen vonden deze beoordeling nuttig
jan 1, 2024
Voltooid 0
Geheel 7.0
Verhaal 7.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Muziek 6.0
Rewatch Waarde 6.0
By Pinoy standards, a pretty passable movie with likable protagonists. If nothing else, it at least stands out in its content from the set of other Pinoy productions with a gay theme of that time about 10 years ago. The creatures gradually increased, and I expected the ending to be as slightly "surprising" as the content of the film on IMDb reveals. It's a shame that these films, even if they don't reach the heavens, are so rarely available for the viewer from Central Europe in good quality and preferably with separate English subtitles. subtitles.

Na pinoy poměry docela obstojný film se sympatickými hlavními hrdiny. Když už nic jiného, tak se alespoň vymyká svým obsahem od množiny ostatní pinoy produkce s gay tematikou té doby před cca 10 lety. Kreatůrek postupně přibývalo a já i čekal, že ten závěr bude takový mírně "překvapivý", jak prozrazuje obsah filmu na IMDb. Škoda, že tyto filmy, i když nesahají do nebes, jsou pro diváka ze střední Evropy tak málo dostupné v dobré kvalitě a nejraději se samostatnými angl. titulky.

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Vond je deze recentie nuttig?
Oh! My Sunshine Night
0 mensen vonden deze beoordeling nuttig
jan 1, 2024
18 van 18
Voltooid 0
Geheel 6.0
Verhaal 2.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Muziek 7.0
Rewatch Waarde 5.5
Yes ... someone wrote on the net that he became a "prisoner" of this show. I also. This whole episode felt like Beauty and the Beast to me, and I'm going to be more critical than ever, and if you don't like my reviews (especially this long one), don't read.

Rain and Phayu, the second couple - without them, their acting, their likeability, their story, which was interrupted in the middle of the "plot", I probably wouldn't have given this project. Those two were the reason I became a prisoner of this series. A magical-looking Peterpan in his first major role, and Nod appealed to me far more than in Nitiman. Their scenes were also very well supported by the background music. The still beautiful Ohm (the character of Khim) and the likability of practically all the other swordsman and rugby characters (Chun, Pie, Phet and others). It was some scenes from the middle episodes that confirmed to me that the series will gradually develop into a superbomb. Unfortunately, it didn't happen.

The story was absolutely horrible, disjointed, torn, an absolute mess. I could list dozens of illogicalities, but I don't want to delay. "Something" always developed, only to be cut off, pushed back, or the story continued to act as if it hadn't happened. This literally drove many viewers to madness, and I watched as the rating on MDL gradually dropped, fell, gradually with the other episodes shown. From 8.3, the rating dropped to 6.8 today, so the viewers are angry. Such untapped potential. Several episodes dragged on like snot, tons of nothing, static after another, and I was just furiously rewinding faster to see if at least in half an hour Sun would fart and there would be some plot. In these moments, the music, otherwise beautiful, started to bother me for the first time. Because listening to heart-pounding music when "nothing" happens and the actor just turns his head from right to left (written figuratively) in two minutes, I didn't enjoy it.

- I'd like to see Fluke in a better role than just a confused and grimacing crybaby, shaped like a plucked mutt gnawing on a ton of red apples, Fluke didn't improve his acting reputation much with the character of Sun
- a nice "vest" in episodes 9 and 10 for the often unnecessarily confusing and indifferent character Khim, the costume designer got it right, the so-called "anti-bib" that exactly copied the holes in the entire story
- Khim runs up 25 floors as fast as Sun in the elevator, and it stops at each floor to see if the elevator car is going faster or slower than he is running up the stairs
- the orchestra: the young conductor waves in such a way that the play would have to break up immediately, Baibua couldn't see the violin even from a speed camera, poor Khim tried, but he couldn't save the cello playing with vibrato alone, everything could have been filmed, filmed differently
- Rain is in Brazil in front of the Iguazú waterfalls (I recognized it from the arrow to Itaipe), but even if he was on the Argentine side, in the whole of South America you drive on the right (except for two small, insignificant countries in the north), but Rain's car had steering wheel on the right
- stories of additional characters incomplete, while there were hours of wasted time

OVERALL: Phayu and Rain stole the show, they made one of the best BL couples I've ever seen (of course this is just my opinion), but they weren't allowed to do so physically as the storyline kept them apart for a long time. I'd like to see them in another project (possibly with all the likable swordsmen and Chun), but not led by the writer and director in one of these series. I've added a link to a short montage of Raina + Phayu footage in the comments, check it out.
Despite my very critical review, I RECOMMEND the series to all sensitive souls, I just wanted to express my disillusionment with how everything was wasted here. Respectful tribute to my colleague monvi for the precise translation, eighteen hour-long episodes are not just ...

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Remington & the Curse of the Zombadings
0 mensen vonden deze beoordeling nuttig
dec 31, 2023
Voltooid 0
Geheel 8.0
Verhaal 7.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Muziek 7.0
Rewatch Waarde 7.0
The movie didn't excite me at all at first, it's just stupid. However, it wasn't just stupid (I wanted to give a rating of 2), it's second stupid, and suddenly the film, which won two wins and 9 nominations at various film festivals, didn't bother me so much anymore, on the contrary, I started to feel that even the actors kidding ourselves. The story of the "transformation" of Remington (nice Martin Escudero) got me gradually, and the dismembering monsters were a lot of fun, so in the end...satisfaction, it's just a shame about the poor quality of the copy.

Film mě zezačátku vůbec nenadchl, prostě blbina. Jenomže to nebyla pouze blbina (chtěl jsem dát hodnocení 2), to je blbina na druhou a najednou snímek, který získal dvě vítězství a 9 nominací na různých filmových festivalech mě už tak nepříjemný nebyl, naopak, začal jsem cítit, že i herci si dělají srandu sami ze sebe. Postupně mě chytl příběh "přeměny" Remingtona (sympatický Martin Escudero) a ty pitvořící se obludy byly hodně k smíchu, takže nakonec ... spokojenost, škoda jen nedobré kvality kopie.

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Vond je deze recentie nuttig?
0 mensen vonden deze beoordeling nuttig
dec 31, 2023
Voltooid 0
Geheel 5.0
Verhaal 5.0
Acting/Cast 5.0
Muziek 5.0
Rewatch Waarde 5.0
This movie didn't give me much, although I watched it mainly because of Paolo Rivera, he didn't really play the lead role. SRO (Sonny, Roldan, Oscar) and marketable sex in a shabby cinema left me cold this time, not only because of the story, which didn't go anywhere, but also because of the processing. But still another gem in my pinoy collection.

Tento film mi toho moc nedal, ačkoliv jsem se na něj díval především kvůli Paolo Riverovi, nehrál tam úplně hlavní roli. SRO (Sonny, Roldan, Oscar) a prodejný sex v ošuntělém kině mě tentokráte nechal chladným, a to nejen kvůli příběhu, který nikam moc nevyzněl, tak i kvůli zpracování. Ale i tak další kamínek do mé sbírky pinoy.

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Vond je deze recentie nuttig?
Stay With Me
0 mensen vonden deze beoordeling nuttig
dec 30, 2023
Voltooid 0
Geheel 8.5
Verhaal 9.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Muziek 9.0
Rewatch Waarde 7.0
It's also not clear to me how it was with that girl... Kraťas looks very simple, but appearances are deceiving, it's a painful story straight from life, it's not a fairy tale. There is an immeasurable variety of relationships between human beings. From camaraderie, friendship, love, infatuation to hate and hundreds of varieties in between. Very solid.

Také mi není jasné, jak to bylo s tou dívkou ... Kraťas vypadá, jako velmi jednoduchý, ale zdání klame, je to tíživý příběh rovnou ze života, není to žádná pohádka. Vztahů mezi lidskými bytostmi je nezměrné různorodé množství. Od kamarádství, přátelství, lásky, zamilovanosti až po nenávist a stovky druhů mezi tím. Velmi solidní.

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Vond je deze recentie nuttig?
Adonis X
0 mensen vonden deze beoordeling nuttig
dec 30, 2023
Voltooid 0
Geheel 7.5
Verhaal 7.0
Acting/Cast 7.0
Muziek 8.0
Rewatch Waarde 7.0
In my opinion, Adonis X is a slightly better piece than Bingwit. Even here, of course, there is such unusual for us Pinoy naive processing and seemingly amateurish acting, but that's just how it belongs to the Philippines, I studied everything and started the film without subtitles, which are not available anywhere.
According to the contract, Don creates a visualization of a handsome young man, Adonis X, who can materialize in certain situations and becomes Don's secret lover, although Don also has a relationship with Pam, who complicates everything in the house, because the other roommates are the two likeable characters Chong and Marvin. If you want to enjoy nice bodies, more tasteful sexy scenes and not compromise the quality of the picture, it's good for one viewing.

Adonis X je dle mě o něco lepším kouskem než Bingwit. I zde samozřejmě prostupuje pro nás tak nezvykké pinoy naivní zpracování a jakoby zdánlivě amatérské herectví, ale tak to prostě k Filipínám patří, vše jsem si nastudoval a pustil se do filmu bez titulků, které nikde nejsou k dispozici.
Don vytvoří dle zakázky vizualizaci krásného mladého muže Adonise X, který se dokáže v některých situacích zhmotnit a stává se Donovým tajným milencem, ačkoliv Don má vztah i s Pam, která to v domě všechno zkomplikuje, neboť dalšími spolubydlícími jsou dvě sympatické postavy Chonga a Marvina. Kdo si chce užít pěkných těl, vkusnějších sexy scén a nehrotit kvalitu snímku, tak na jedno zhlédnutí je to dobré.

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Vond je deze recentie nuttig?
0 mensen vonden deze beoordeling nuttig
dec 30, 2023
Voltooid 0
Geheel 7.5
Verhaal 8.0
Acting/Cast 7.0
Muziek 7.0
Rewatch Waarde 7.0
This erotic story is so sweetly simple, and the nice thing about it is that it doesn't play to win any film festival. And be careful, I don't recommend this film to delicate individuals, because it's full of obscene expressions and sassy sex. Salem is a horny gold digger who has an influential politician as her husband (that means a crook, which also applies here) and at the same time likes to share it with her current lover Aldon and later Medel, another man whom she "returned" to the fish farm (scenes with Medel are backwards in time). It also has a crime plot in the last quarter of the film, and a few scenes appear to Aldon in a dream. In the end, despite the "complicated" conclusion, it works out ... let yourself be surprised ... and for that I add one extra point to the story.
Many scenes are funny, Filipino. With her husband, Salem "does" it in the car through panties, the viewer gets the impression that this voluptuous girl has a natural somewhere on her navel near the scene where Medel lets herself be "licked" ?? (I'm using words from the movie), the men reprimand each other in such a way that that their pride has probably grown on their stomach or thigh, but the effort is great and you can feel and see it and actually the whole thing looks cute ???. But I won't deduct another point for processing, that's what other "experts" are here for, who, if nothing else, will at least give themselves a review orgasm by damning the film.

Tento erotický příběh je tak mile prostinký a sympatické je na něm i to, že si nehraje na to vyhrát kdejaký filmový festival. A pozor, nedoporučuji tento snímek jemným jedincům, neboť sprostými výrazy a přidrzlým sexem se to tam jen hemží. Salem je nadržená zlatokopka, která má za manžela vlivného politika (to znamená gaunera, což platí i u nás) a zároveň si to ráda rozdává se svým současným milencem Aldonem a posléze i Medelem, dalším mužem, kterého "vrátila" na rybí farmu (scény s Medelem jsou zpětně v čase). Má to v poslední čtvrtině filmu i krimi zápletku a pár scén se Aldonovi zdá ve snu. Nakonec přes "komplikovaný" závěr to dopadne ... nechte se překvapit ... a za to přidávám na příběhu jeden bod navíc.
Úsměvně působí mnohé scény, filipínsky. S manželem to Salem "dělá" v autě přes gaťky, divák nabyde dojmu, že tato chlípná děva má přirození někde na pupku u scény, kde se Medelem nechává "lízat" ?? (používám slova z filmu), pánové se vzájemně ukájejí tak, že jim asi jejich chlouba vyrostla na břichu či stehně, ale snaha je velká a je cítit a vidět a vlastně to celé působí roztomile ???. Nebudu za to ale ubírat další bod za zpracování, na to jsou zde jiní "experti", kteří, když nic jiného, si způsobí alespoň recenzní orgasmus tím, že film zatratí.

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Vond je deze recentie nuttig?
0 mensen vonden deze beoordeling nuttig
dec 30, 2023
Voltooid 0
Geheel 6.0
Verhaal 5.0
Acting/Cast 7.0
Muziek 6.0
Rewatch Waarde 5.0
The film did not impress me as much, despite the awards at festivals, as it probably should have. But I appreciate the quality of the copy and the main character of Ambet. The style of the camera and the alternation of "real" shots with film and black and white, and above all the involvement of the little girl who watched some of the sex scenes and crimes, did not do me any good. The film has certain qualities, I admit, but from my point of view I rather do not recommend the film.

Film mě až tak nezaujal, i přes ocenění na festivalech, jak by asi měl. Oceňuji ale kvalitu kopie a hlavní postavu Ambeta. Styl kamery a střídání záběrů "pravých" s filmovými a černobílými a především zapojení té holčičky, která přihlížela některým sexuálním scénám a zločinům, mi nedělal dobře. Jisté kvality film má, to připouštím, ale z mého pohledu spíše film nedoporučuji.

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Vond je deze recentie nuttig?
dec 30, 2023
Voltooid 0
Geheel 7.0
Verhaal 6.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Muziek 7.0
Rewatch Waarde 7.0
The erotic trilogy is closed and I can recommend it, but only to stronger characters who don't mind depression and cruelty. Well, even two "without birds" are enough in the end...? However, I have to highlight two attributes: the fact that it is an erotic trilogy - it had a plot, and also that all three parts are balanced and slightly above average for me. Out of rating: Ruka - he had a nice body, but that blond hair, the way he had it twisted here and there, it was scary.

Erotická trilogie je uzavřena a mohu doporučit, ale jen silnějším povahám, co jim nevadí deprese a krutost. No a i dva "bez vtákov" si nakonec vystačí ... ? Nicméně musím vyzdvihnout dva atributy: na to, že je to erotická trilogie - měla děj a dále, že všechny tři díly jsou vyrovnané a u mě mírně nadprůměrné. Mimo hodnocení: Ruka - měl hezké tělo, ale ty blond vlasy, jak mu natupírovali sem tam, to byl děs.

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Vond je deze recentie nuttig?
Big Night!
0 mensen vonden deze beoordeling nuttig
dec 30, 2023
Voltooid 0
Geheel 6.0
Verhaal 5.0
Acting/Cast 7.0
Muziek 5.0
Rewatch Waarde 6.0
When I saw Dharna in the first shot, I thought where did they dig it up. And over time I got used to it, and if you look at his civilian photo on MDL, he's quite the hottie (Christian Bables). The gay component there is minimal. Actually, just that he is gay, but something else is being dealt with there, drugs and a strange way to fight with users and traffickers with the help of some "lists". A joke here and there, and there wasn't a big pinoy creation or a flock of Filipino trannys. Even so, I was only partially interested in the film, because even if the main character wasn't of a different orientation, the story, the plot, could have gone exactly the same. The end credits are missing, but that doesn't detract from the story.

Když jsem viděl Dharnu v prvním záběru, říkal jsem si, kde toho vyhrabali. A časem jsem si zvykl, a když se podíváte na jeho civilní fotku na MDL, tak je to docela fešák (Christian Bables). Gay složka je tam mizivá. Vlastně jen to, že je gay, ale řeší se tam něco jiného, drogy a divný způsob, jak s uživateli a překupníky bojovat pomocí jakýchsi "seznamů". Sem tam i nějaký ten vtípek a nebylo tam velké pinoy pitvoření či hejno filipínských transek. I přesto mě film zaujal jen částečně, neboť i kdyby nebyl hlavní hrdina jiné orientace, tak by příběh, děj, mohl proběhnout úplně stejně. Chybí závěrečné titulky, což ale neubírá nic na příběhu.

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Vond je deze recentie nuttig?
Philippino Story
0 mensen vonden deze beoordeling nuttig
dec 30, 2023
Voltooid 0
Geheel 9.5
Verhaal 9.0
Acting/Cast 10
Muziek 9.0
Rewatch Waarde 9.5
I was very interested in this semi-forgotten (but also appreciated) film, I give the highest marks for the acting. Mark Gil was Mr. Actor (yes, he was...) and his list of roles is as long as a song, and here he plays Bastian, an elderly artist. Seconding him as a lover is Junjun Quintana in the role of young Philip, for which he won success at two film festivals. And that he is a likeable and beautiful actor is probably not doubted by anyone or few. Their relationship is what it is, and Philip, thanks to his kindness, tries to help his older brother's family, which is struggling with poverty in the slum, earning extra money with his body and with other men. The film also maps all the miseries of poor people on the outskirts of the big city, their problems and the pitfalls that life brings. Pleasantly sad surprise...

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Vond je deze recentie nuttig?
Sorry for the Inconvenience
0 mensen vonden deze beoordeling nuttig
dec 30, 2023
Voltooid 0
Geheel 5.5
Verhaal 5.5
Acting/Cast 6.0
Muziek 6.0
Rewatch Waarde 5.0
The fact that the director collected awards at three film festivals did not impress me so much with this short film. Yes, solidly played, but it doesn't offer any way out, it just describes what happened, and Joshua's "search" was unnecessarily long in the first third. Average for me.

Na to, že režisér posbíral ceny na třech filmových festivalech, mě tento krátký film až tak nezasáhl. Ano, solidně zahráno, ale nenabízí žádné východisko, jen popisuje, co se stalo, navíc v první třetině bylo zbytečně dlouhé to Joshuovo "hledání". Pro mě průměr.

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Vond je deze recentie nuttig?
The Offender
0 mensen vonden deze beoordeling nuttig
dec 29, 2023
Voltooid 0
Geheel 6.0
Verhaal 5.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Muziek 7.0
Rewatch Waarde 7.0
The story didn't suit me at all, when a creep bullies a subordinate to boost his zero ego. Disgust, humus. On the other hand, it was well played and the other rating criteria weren't enough for me to angrily throw them in the trash like others do if the story doesn't appeal to them.

Příběh mi vůbec nesedl, kdy vylízanec šikanuje podřízeného, aby si zvýšil to své nulové ego. Hnus, humus. Na druhé straně ale bylo to hezky zahráno a ani ostatní kritéria hodnocení nebyla na to, abych je naštvaně hodil do odpadu, tak, jak to dělají jiní, pokud je neosloví příběh

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Vond je deze recentie nuttig?
Love at the End of the World
0 mensen vonden deze beoordeling nuttig
dec 29, 2023
9 van 9
Voltooid 0
Geheel 7.0
Verhaal 8.0
Acting/Cast 6.0
Muziek 6.0
Rewatch Waarde 7.0
A series on the border of genius and its opposite. And I said to myself: now choose ...
I didn't choose the first time. It's definitely not something for the average viewer of BL tales. If you are just looking for comfort with a glass of wine, stretch your legs, relax, are not in the mood to think and possibly watch the series again, which I fully understand, I rather do not recommend it to such a viewer. But at the same time, I acknowledge that monvi took the liberty of translating this piece, full of depression, negative things, difficult to think about and with an affected Pinoy theatricality, and enriching the Czech translations with a fragment of "something" completely different.

Well, the negative things, how it is taken and what the creators wanted to show, there is something behind it. Certainly, most of the young men in each couple are going to die and how they behave, enjoy their last days, what effect it has on their relationships, their ability to forgive, love, survive ... surely there would not be a viewer who relaxes to this slightly insane and watch a slightly erotic piece, immediately condemn it and throw it in the trash.

24/09/2022 SUPPLEMENT
After the second viewing and correction of the subtitles, I'm not so confused anymore, on the contrary, I have an understanding for the story (it's also current, when one guy is currently able to drop nuclear weapons on Europe), but I still don't rank it among the TOP (I give two points for the story), I still didn't get along with the individual characters that much, maybe because there are more of them and there wasn't enough space to get to know them in depth. I don't deduct points for the music because of the inconsistency of the video with the sound, I evaluate the work of the creators and not that somewhere along the "way" someone uploaded the wrong copy to some server.

Seriál na hranici geniality a jejího opaku. A říkal jsem si sám sobě: a teď si vyber ...
Napoprvé jsem si nevybral. Rozhodně to není nic pro běžného diváka BL pohádek. Kdo hledá jen pohodičku ke sklence vína, natáhnout nožky, relaxovat, nemá náladu se zamyslet a případně se podívat na seriál znovu, což plně chápu, tak takovému divákovi spíše nedoporučuji. Zároveň ale kvituji, že se monvi uvolil toto dílko, plné deprese, negativních věcí, těžké na přemýšlení a s afektovanou pinoy teatrálností, přeložit a obohatit české překlady střípkem "něčeho" zcela jiného.

No, negativní věci, jak se to vezme a co tím tvůrci chtěli ukázat, něco za tím je. Rozhodně většinu mladých mužů z jednotlivých dvojic čeká smrt a jak se chovají, užívají si poslední dny, jaký dopad to má na jejich vztahy, schopnost odpouštět, milovat, přežít ... určitě by neměl divák, který se uvolí se na toto mírně šílené a lehce erotické dílko podívat, jej hned odsuzovat a házet do koše.

24.9.2022 DODATEK
Po druhém zhlédnutí a korekci titulků už tolik netápu, naopak, mám pro příběh pochopení (je to navíc aktuální, kdy jeden cvok je v současné době schopen naházet na Evropu atomovky), ale neřadím jej stále mezi TOP (zvedám za příběh dva body), s jednotlivými postavami jsem se stále tolik nesžil, možná i proto, že jich je tam více a nebyl dostatek prostoru je poznat do hloubky. Za hudbu neubírám body kvůli nesouladu videa se zvukem, hodnotím dílo tvůrců a ne, že někde na "cestě" někdo kopii nahrál špatně na nějaký server.

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