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jun 18, 2016

Spin, spin, spin.

First off finally we get some solid answers to all the magical plot threads floating around. I really enjoy where Heo Jun's purpose comes in. It's also nice that the sun/good magic is so subtle in working its influence.

I love that finally Hong Joo goals are some what revealed as well. Not to mention the beg question that is now looming over me! I love a good mystery.

Not to mention how shocked, and freaked out, I was that the now Queen Dowager would ever think about bringing Hong Joo back. Bigger shock was how swiftly she tossed the King under the bus. Boom. Queen Dowager is no innocent. She acts all shocked and scandalize but she goes with the evil train if it roles her way.

Anywho, I'm really happy with the change of pace for the show. All of my favorite characters got plenty of time. I adored the Gisaeng scene with Poong Yeon, Poong Yeon's apprentice, and Hue Jun!

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jun 18, 2016


It's fun watching Bo "teach" Yao! In fact, that's the best part of this whole episode. Though I feel like Yao's determination to learn isn't quite there yet. In fact, I've started to notice she gives pout face a lot when she's told that he's testing her.

She pulls through and figures things out, but I really want her to want to do this. Not to just pursue Bo.

Overall the mystery was pretty fun, and I loved the cliffhanger. I think this episode brought in a little bit of a Mentalist vibe. I'm very curious which friend is going to help Bo solve the case and get evidence. I assume the police? Or her college friends, which would be an interesting turn.

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jun 17, 2016

Play on words!

Very crafty play on words. I should have known! Now I'm wondering what the Shaman's exact words were? Still great episode. I'm surprised by how much I love this show now, I look forward to it every week.

Not to mention that the writers have really developed Su Ho into quite the lead. No longer is he the rude cold male genius type. I agree with Bo Nui's take on him, and now firmly believe these two are going to make a great couple! (Sorry Gary!)

Not to mention that this episode not only shows that Bo Nui gets Su Ho. But Su Ho totally gets Bo Nui. He's in tune to her and all his gentlemanly acts this episode have stolen my heart.

Here's to the next episode! I'm off.

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jun 15, 2016


So the mystery still felt boring because I called it all from the get go. It dragged. However, the cat and mouse game coming to the far front was perfect! Well worth sitting through the "easy" mystery murder case.

It interests me that the new culprit looks like Bo. So Tommy brainwashed/apprenticed someone who looks similar to Bo? Oh, the creepiness that is going to ensue. I still like that Yao is holding her ground against Bo.

I will also give mad props to the actors and director for making the "accidental kiss" look natural. Though it seems a little annoying that both have never been kissed at their ages. But sweet. *shrugs* I'll settle on it being sweet. Bo is totally romancing her.

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jun 14, 2016

Still here.

We're still working this case. Ugh. I do love the buildup of the overall arc and the pace is allowing for great character work between Bo and Yao. But. But this case/mystery was so simple. I saw it before Bo even transferred in as CEO. Heck, I guessed things with the suicide flashback.

I'm sure viewers who aren't good at predicting plots won't mind. But as someone who can easily do so it's annoying.

Hopefully episode 9 will put it all to rest.
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jun 14, 2016

Still solid.

The ponderous and slower pace suits the show so far. This episode shows how clever and observant Yao as she finds out that the numbers mean "Hi Simon". That there is something dangerous really surrounding Bo.

It was also pleasant to see some of the international ties and the serial killer obsessed with Bo. The build up for this show is incredible.

At first I wasn't thrilled with how the pace slowed down, but I think when things really start to get going it's going to be a wild and crazy ride. These beginning episodes are allowing the build up of both Yao and Bo. Not to mention their relationship.
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jun 14, 2016

I want more, but still really good.

Actually this was even slower than the last episode, and I'm a disappointed by how predictable this was. I didn't quite expect that much "dramaland" trope to enter this criminal investigative drama that was borrowing so heavily from US shows.

That said despite the predictableness--so slow--I loved that development of Yao and Bo. They have chemistry! As they slowly get to know each other I feel the bonds growing. I love that Yao tells Bo off and isn't afraid to tell me no. It's probably why he likes her. From day one she stood her ground against him, but knows when to let it go.

Overall I was disappointed by the direction of this plot. Sure I guest it, but I was hoping for more. I'm really happy with the development of the characters. Maybe because it's longer than what I've come to expect from K-dramas the length of this drama has more room to meander. (Though no matter the episode length I still want clean/tight plot.) This episode at the very least kept me smiling. Bo's side ways gazes, and many smirks, kept me laughing. Especially when they were picking out a bed and then the elevator scene!

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jun 14, 2016


There is something very captivating about this drama. All day I was anticipating watching this drama. it was slower than the first 4 as it focuses more on the human part and the characters present. I also believe it's setting up a killer at Jian Yao's new job.

I see why the plot went that way, but it also feels like a cop out. However, in the long run it will make things a lot easier for the show.

What I do love is that the feeling of Bo (Simon Bo!) being hunted intensifies. Not to mention that he receives pictures and a message. Gosh, all this teasing is driving me crazy! Is it the guy who had him imprisoned? Some government agency trying to intimidate him into helping them? What is it!? I love the suspense, and the build up.

It's intriguing watching someone such as Bo realize that he's jealous. That he wants Yao for an assistant. But he doesn't realize that he wants her friendship, let alone something more. The build up between them getting to know each other and caring for what the other likes is refreshing. Especially since it's not one sided.

Overall I great stepping stone for the show.

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jun 13, 2016


So happy the writer decided to not drag out what happened to Joon Pyo, especially since it was so clear from the beginning. The strength is in the characters and I loved every moment of it. Ah, bromance! The scene with drunk Joon Soo was so moving. I hope that no matter where Beautiful Gong Shim goes Joon Soo and Dan Tae can stay best buddies.

I loved all the reminders of Dan Tae that plagued Gong Shim while she was gone! Especially that song. I was a little disappointed about the outcome of her job, but I think it was a smart move to avoid a time jump.

I'm curious how the writers will let the big reveal happen now that someone knows a bit about what happened to Joon Pyo. Part of me is so sad that Joon Soo has become the poor second lead, but the show has developed Dan Tae so much that I can't help but hope for him. I love it when the lines blur and both male leads are worthy of the female lead. Even more that both male love interests have serious bromance and they really care for each other.

Please, please don't let those two grow apart! This may have been a slower episode, but it packs an emotional punch that I loved. Every time I see a sunflower now I will think of blooming self esteem and budding friendships, or love.

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jun 12, 2016

A tortoise?

Hmmmm, a tortoise what crime solving show that's been on for a while has a pet tortoise? Considering that Love Me if You Dare is a bit like an homage to all the crime solving shows, though really Criminal Minds is probably the big one. Though I am finding a lot of Elemental vibes.

The real treat of Love Me if You Dar is that the murder(s) doesn't have to be solved in one episode. It can take its time to build up, especially the characters. I love the character depth that is being built. It's slow, but very satisfying.

Not to mention that I look forward to anytime Zi Yu gets called. What will he be doing? First it was SWAT training, sky diving/parachuting, boxing, and what next!? It's so much fun.

I adore Jian Yao, she's such a well thought out and compelling lead. (Hey, I wouldn't want to see the bodies either.) I wonder how far she will go as an apprentice. The cinematography is lovely, but then there's these low ground shots that seem to be used to show off Jian Yao's legs instead of a dramatic scene. It feels weird. Overall this show is headed in the right direction for me.

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jun 11, 2016

Getting really cool.

This drama is getting really cool, epsiecially as the writers acknowledge all of the criminal shows that have probably influenced it. Not to mention the addition of the "Nighter Rider" care Andy. I love a show that is aware of itself.

There's something very compelling about the cast. Especially Jian Yao and Bo Jin Yan. The more I watch them interact I'm captivated. I can't wait for the romance that should develop.

The setup for the plot is interesting as we get the since that Bo is being hunted. He's clearly resting, or hiding, from the scary events that were flashbacked to in episode 1. I also like that it's been weaved with getting to know Bo and his work. I feel like Yao will take on a Watson role much like in US TV show Elemental. Which is a great idea to me.

Overall I think this a very great idea and I'm eager to see where the show goes. And on a side note I think Jian Yao's sister is so cute!

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jun 6, 2016

Getting there.

Wow, I didn't expect her to blurt that out at the end! *sighs* There's no way anything is going t happen, he's gonna run away from her.

The writing is getting better, and not relying so much on gag humor. Plus, the cast is really starting to get some great chemistry. I think Bo Nui is kind of cute, but if only she realized that some of her misfortune is due to her lack of job and how she spends her money. Not to mention that cold and aloof (yeah, we'll call it that) Su Ho is not an easy mark. Did the Shaman say it had to be him? I think the Tiger is just supposed to be that. There's more and I think I'd jump ship on Su Ho.

I like that the characters are being developed more and more. We've gotten to look into everyone's pasts a little more at a time, at least for the leads. I'm hoping the side characters that work for Zeze will become more apart of the show besides background noise.

Overall I'm interested. Lucky Romance is very unique and I do like quirky. I'll try a few more episodes to see how things go. It's strange but despite myself I find myself very addicted to Lucky Romance and I enjoy watching the cast interact. Plus, I'm waiting for everything to click in place for the plot.

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jun 5, 2016

The writing is getting better.

The writing is getting better. Especially the scene where Bo Nui is listening in at the Shaman's and he's talking about the raccoon that has latched on to Su Ho! The cut away to the flashbacks was hilarious! I'm also in love with Su Ho's staff, they're so fun together. I hope that now that Bo Nui is working there they'll get even more screen time. I find her friend there adorable!

What a cliffhanger, to have dating Su Ho as a part of the contract! Clever.

As the Lucky Romance progresses I think the director, writer, and actors are falling into place. I think the show is still relying on random gimmicks to add humor, but I like that the writing is finally making some progress.

Bo Nui is growing on me, kind of like a fungus. Which is fine because I love fungus and mushrooms. It bothers me how obsessed she is trying to do what the Shaman says. Because if she doesn't pay those doctor bills they can discharge her sister. Which means when she has another seizures she won't be there at the hospital. Surely Bo Nui's brain can see past superstition to real world issues?

Overall I actually laughed at a few parts and things are improving. I feel a little disinterested in the love triangle because it seems so cut and dry, but who knows every drama has the potential to change the status quo. I do like the idea that both Bo Nui and Su Ho have "loves" from the past. But I have a hunch Amy and Gary will hook up.

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jun 2, 2016

Great writing this episode.

First off that bird cry at the end was some kind of bird of prey, but that was a seagull flying. *giggles* Still it was a gorgeous and moving ending and I admire it.

I've very happy that Jung Ah's daughters abuse was finally addressed. Not to mention that we see how it affect her family and how the reacted when they found out. Most importantly Suk Kyoon and how the difference in generations is. I know when I tell people is a generation gap they laugh at me. Especially when I'm talking about my grandmother or mom. People don't realize that "change" and different view points haven't been that long ago. (For instance when my mom got her divorce from her first husband it was still a shameful thing. And I know my grandmother still couldn't talk about a lot of things to this day. Or stand up for her daughters to get them proper work gear on the farm. Even shoes.)

So I was moved that despite the age gap an Suk Kyoon's apparent dismissive and participant standing on abuse he defended his daughter. I hope he tears him apart in court.

Again Jung Ah and Hee Ja friendship is beautiful to behold! I almost bawled! I'm still waiting for the other ladies to get to shine like that. But it looks like Choong Nam is just going to medle and ruin things!

Speaking of why is Sung Jae actively wooing two women? Clearly his main prize is Hee Ja. But he's stringing poor Choong Nam along. Instead of a love triangle I hope they put Choong Nam out of her misery and give her an amazing guy!

Overall this episode addressed the physical abuse well and handled the concept of becoming "free" from it well. On all levels of abuse. All of the characters are becoming fully realized and I really adore this cast. I'm excited to see what happens with the rest of the ladies. Not to mention how Park Wan will deal with her life moving forward.

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mei 31, 2016

Saved from bird poo.

This drama is so much fun! The save-the-girl-and-dip-hug-hold-close move was triggered by falling bird poo. Points for effort and slow motion bird poo fall. Man I laughed my butt off.

But try not to smile or laugh. This show is effortlessly funny and feel good.

I've decided the charm of Beautiful Gong Shim isn't in the drama story per se, but the characters and their development. From episode one we already know what is going to transpire between Dan Tae and Joon Soo. But I love that the writers are making the effort to let us get to know them both, AND for them to become friends!!

Man I adore Gong Shim, and I hope the writers never give her a makeover! I think she is the cutest thing ever! I just want to pat her head whenever she goes dinging that bike bell. It's refreshing that she knows when to be humble, and when to tell someone off! It's like a sweet balm to me. (Especially since some of the other dramas I've been watching have made me yell at the female leads to stand up for themselves!)

Gong Mi isn't just an evil sister. I feel for her. Think how hard you've worked to become a lawyer just to have that group of men (dogsters!) minimize you to window dressing. Gosh. I highly doubt she couldn't find work else where. Though looking into Korea's Gender Equal Employment Act (GEEA) and Korea’s labor laws things aren't peachy-keen. Despite all advancements it's still hard for females to get protection after reporting the issue. (Or even if someone--even electronic systems--reporting issues.) It makes me sad. So while it is being dramatized for the drama I think it is a high topic issue in Korea and I'm glad they're touching on it here.

Though that's not to say I wouldn't want Gong Mi to have sided with her sister. If she had just pushed for the woman to apologize it would have been over. But I guess her cover blown. But to me if someone did that to my sister I wouldn't let it slide.

Overall I love the humor and characters here! They're so fun and I love how the entire cast acts together. Especially with Gong Shim. When Gong Shim, Dan Tae, and Joon Soo I can't stop smiling. They all have such chemistry together. Though I wonder how often girls quickly "beautify" themselves and hope that the other people don't notice? Personally that's silly. But, hey, it got me laughing. It's also this fun little game to wonder when everyone will officially meet Gong Mi. Dan Tae has in passing now, and he already knows what she did to Gong Shim. But I'm curious for when Joon Soo meets her as Gong Min is "staking/stalking" his profile now.

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