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jul 10, 2016

The whole fart thing was too much! Ha-ha.

That whole fart thing was too much. I laughed and laughed. Not only did the fart bring them together, but then he used it as a scapegoat. Honestly Dan Tae is just being a jerk. He's doing all of this couple like stuff, but then backing out at stupid moments. He should just trust her and be done with it. Also, I this whole appendix and fart thing echoes of You Who Came From the Stars (who for all I know may have copied it from somewhere else). Yes, it had it's own original take and I just loved all the sweet moments it held. Like Dan Tae washing Gong Shim's hair and then putting her medicine on her bald spot. That's true romance to me and love. Gong Shim trusts him enough to let down her guard, and Dan Tae doesn't blink about it. They're easy. (Well wen Dan Tae isn't doing that whole "keep the girl at a distance to protect her" bull that I'm starting to hate in dramas.

Though I feel like some aspects where rushed. Not only is there finally more Gong Shim moments, but Gong Mi has stepped back into the picture! Only to have a rush discovery and a dramatic turn that makes her blame Gong Shim. Talk about phoning it in.

It bothers me how the whole idea behind Beautiful Gong Shim has pretty much been abandoned. Towards the end with Dan Tae becoming the heir apparent and Joon Soo not I'm sure there might be an attempt to bring it back on course. Right now though I'm just so said that the writer is going with this lame storyline and not focusing on all the good things that made it interesting. Some of it's still here, desperately trying to hold on. We'll see what happens!

The ending shots were so cheesy, but I'm happy to have Dan Tae and Joon Soo. I loved Gong Shim, Dan Tae, and Joon Soo as friends they are so great together. Joon Soo has really proved himself I can't be prouder of him! Now if only he can deliver through without getting injured. *crossing fingers*

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Oh, no. That was a stupid plot "twist".

The face off between Song Yi and Se Mi was epic! Song Yi has been showing a lot of brilliance. First when she realized that someone was in Min Joon's apartment and she acted her way out of it. Then with this face off. (I'm not sure if it's 100% a showdown yet.) I like that she told Se Mi that even if they're roles are reversed she won't come down to her level. Being jealous and coveting what other's have is lowly, and Song Yi has worked hard for what she has!

Basically every good looking guy is Song Yi's friend's destiny! Can't fault her though. Love the music and the wind blown hair! Perfection for a good laugh. Which was really needed, because things are slowing down and doing typical "drag the drama out" things that I loath. Especially the plot trop that the male lead needs to push away the female lead and break her heart.

It's made even more redicoulous here because Min Joon decides to get rid of all the amazing evidence they had on Jae Kyung. So that he could be Jae Kyung's new henchman! One he knows has powers. How would not turning Jae Kyung from the start have been bad? The evidence was damning! This alone is enough of a plot hole to make me want to . . . ugh!!

I do appreciate that we've gotten a little bit more information about Min Joon's powers. However, the idea that this guy from way back when proclaimed that Min Joon's "energy" will run out and he will die seems lame. Not to mention that it's happening in time for him to finally go home. It's even crueler to see how much he doesn't want to do these things to Song Yi, but he still does. Finally he's going to tell her a truth about him, and he's doing it in a way that will scare her.

I'll say it many times over, with holding information is what puts people in danger. *sighs* I'm really hoping things don't stay slow and painful like this. If they are at least there's a chance to have some of the funny moments sprinkled in. That cute dream ended up feeling like a knife! Here's what he really wants, now let's watch this stupid trope play out. ;_;

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Wowza, that red suit!

Jae Kyung's red suit was amazing in this episode! Yes, he's terribly evil and al. I agreed. However, that power of the red suit . . . prrrrr.

That said this episode was great!! While I question the interview style they now during the episodes, before it was kind of like an "after episode special". It's off, but totally funny. Especially as Song Yi's smashes her way through his poor antiques!

This episode was off the charts with humor. Especially the flashback to the time Min Joon first tried alcohol! Levitating all that stuff was hilarious. But the best part was levitating himself and his horse across the night sky! Especially after talking about not drinking and riding a horse because of all the accidents going on. That image of Min Joon riding his horse in front of the moon shall forever be imprinted in my mind. When I'm said, back gosh I'm gonna pull up that scene! Ha-ha!

It's interesting seeing a bit more of Jae Kyung's henchman, and apparently another henchman? Apparently he's his secretary, but I don't think that was ever made clear. I'm a little disappointed that most of the side cast is being underdeveloped.

Wow, I like the way that kiss went down! Get it Min Joon! See even alines aren't immune to Song Yi's powers. Oh, and I have to give credit to Se Mi for finally confessing her feelings. That takes guts and I'm glad she didn't stay silent forever. Overall a brilliant episode one of my favorites yet!

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I've ignored my questions about vampire myths, looks like I'll be doing it for my sci-fi alien quest

In the past for vampire dramas I've ignored the fact that there's no mytho for them. You know what their powers are, why, how are the made, and all that world building. Looks like I may just have to bite my tongue and ignore that with all the alien/sci-fi powers that Min Joon's has.

Either way, holy flying UFO that ending! Wham! The way he just popped out of thin air and hulk smashed that car. Especially with the lightning and the snow. Oh, and did anyone else notice which cliff it was? Hmm? (The inane question of did Min Joon cause the lighting and is that supposed to happen every time he teleports shall be stifled?) Then to top it off with that video of what Jae Kyung is seeing through the teddy bear cam! OMG! So clever and so awesome! >_<

Well at least I can say I will not be suffering from second lead syndrome here. Hui Kyung is just hoping that he will eventually wear Song Yi down. He's not upset that she turned him down, she almost said yes. There's time for him to keep pushing her. Ugh. I hate that. First of all Song Yi still hasn't officially given him a hard core no, which is stupid on her part. But I hate guys that see hope at every turn. If we really think about it Hui Kyung is a stalker. A stalker with friend status. I'm starting to find him a little creepy. Though part of that makes sense. Jae Kyung is clearly off his rocker, so Hui Kyung having a few social screws lose seems plausible. Or maybe that's just his entitlement. Song Yi has no interest, so he's interest in her. So on.

Either way YWCftS has definitely become an addiction for me. It's blended new elements with some tried and true/old and worn drama tropes. Though I have questions about why Min Joon is feeling cold? Because he's finally leaving earth, or his time is up as in his life cycle will finally be coming to an end? How would his body know now is the time that he will be leaving earth finally? Like I said unexplained mythos about the element of sci-fi and aliens here. Still I'm enjoying myself. (I still want Song Yi to come back swinging though and show all those idiots. She worked hard to get where she is, there better be some comeback.)

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Solid fated across time setup.

Loves so powerful that they cross time to find each other again is a week spot of mine. Sure it's tacky and over the top, but I LOVE it! This episode of YWCftS sets it up beautifully and finally gives us the whole story. I love how all of the flashbacks enhance the story and aren't told too long so that they always seem fresh and exciting!

This is an example of how using flashback frequently at important times can enhance the story. Though I do have to grumble about already flashbacking some present day stuff that we've already seen, not to mention that a few moments have been flashbacked multiple times.

Overall this episode pulled on my heartstrings. Despite my cynical heart, I'm a sucker for fated lovers especially when it's across time. The letter from Song Yi's manager at the end was so cute! I'm wondering if Min Joon will really do manager type things and get her career back on track. Oh, and the cliffhanger! Not only do they not let us hear what she's going to say, but now we're wondering if Min Joon is really just gonna freeze time and walk off not hearing it! Too cruel!

Overall I think YWCftS is really starting to develop into a fun drama!

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This episodes humor really hit the mark with me! From Song Yi having to look good at the hospital, to the whole passing gas thing. Not to mention that Min Joon is actually having reactions to things. It's hilarious watching him react to Song Yi's antics and all the situations he's in. Not to mention the bookstore scene. Though, how dare he bad mouth her books! At least she's reading.

*Random thought: I really want to smell Min Joon's library. Old book smell.*

Song Yi may be just another stupid lead, but she's finally getting some character depth. The scenes about her family broke my heart, and I want to learn more about what happened there.

Also, I love the music for this show. It's really fun. Even the corny "You are my destiny" song that keeps playing. Ha-ha.

Jae Kyung, Hiu Kyung's brother, is definitely one evil guy. There's no doubt he's creepy and you wouldn't even want to meet him . . . anywhere. So far though he's just a guy doing really evil things. I was promised an amazing bad guy. So maybe I just need to hold on for his character development?

Overall I'm glad this episode finally introduced unique humor. I'm pretty sure the past 2 episodes were supposed to make me laugh, but it wasn't anything original. All of the antics could have been found in other dramas. Not to mention the whole setup that Min Joo hates everything about Song Yi. I get why it's a thing, that he falls in love with her despite hating everything about her.

Though does anyone want to see how Min Joon smuggled the shoes out? That puts a smile on my face.

This drama still has a ways to go yet, but I'm starting to get into it. Despite how very standard this drama is actually turning out to be.

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I get why people like it.

At this point I can totally see why the fans love this. But I'm bored. The only thing interesting me is Min Joon's life and the glimpses we get through the short flashbacks. I have a love affair with stories about people who have lived long lives. Immortals and such. Or aliens. The idea of how living a life watching so many people die and events repeating. Will they only be able to see the negative aspects of life, see the amazing beauty, or the balance of both. Min Joon is the world weary kind who's been beaten down by the negative aspects. The idea of Song Yi waking him up is a nice idea.

Jeon Ji Hyeon is doing a great job in the role of Song Yi, she's really giving it her all. Sadly I don't like the character still. I've never been able to understand people who hate looking like a fool, but do everything wrong. They don't learn when to quit and they just keep plowing ahead. But it is hilarious to watch. Ji Hyeon definitely brings energy to her role.

I like that the writer is not dragging out Min Joon finding out about Song Yi. If things go according to plan Song Yi will find out soon too. Because I hate it when male leads know something but the female leads are in the dark.

The evil brother aspect of Hui Kyung is very interesting, and that was an intensely creepy scene. I had vibes from the first episode that he might be a bad guy, but I feel like things may get intense there. Yeah, Hui Kyung is going to be that poor third wheel. It's already annoying to see how much he likes her, but she will never be his. 15 years is a long time to pine, especially when the person you're pining for has turned you down time and again. Though I feel like Song Yi is stringing him along.

Overall I get why the fans flock to this. Hopefully I'll get it to.

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An average start, with some promise.

Besides the sci-fi elements this was a pretty average start. Sure there's promise. To be quite honest I don't care for either leads at this point, but there's room to develop them.

My first glaring issue is that Song Yi is apparently a classic airhead/stupid lead. Though I do enjoy the take on how quickly everyone is to immediately start bashing her. It's true with social media. One minute you're praising them, the next there's blood in the water and everyone is a bully.

Min Joon's is the smart and cold lead. With glimpses of the past when he first landed on our planet his warmth is apparent, it's clear that living that long and watching everyone die has made him cold. Though I wonder how smart he is if he hasn't jumped on silencing head phones? Though I guess if he can hear through sound proof apartments the poor guy is screwed. But . . . what if he was on his planet he wouldn't have this issue? Wouldn't they have mediation things so they could block out the noise and sleep.

There's already some glaring issues with the science here. That's okay, there's room for explanations later.

The setup for reincarnations/fated love is nicely developed. Min Joon's minions are really cute and I hope they're a part of the story and not just obligatory side characters. The third wheel of the love triangle is nice, Hui Kyung, and I already feel bad for him! Overall it's an all right start.

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jul 4, 2016

Didn't quite hit me like the last episode.

To be quiet honest I found myself more bored and annoyed with this episode then I probably should have been. The last episode was a tear jerker. My emotions were distraught. That's exactly what episode 5 was SUPPOSED to do.

Instead I found it more contrived, losing it's touch on the things that I loved. Perhaps it was more a pacing issue. I enjoyed the moments that family and friends came together. It didn't help with all the flashbacks either. (I'm very picky about my flashbacks.)

However, Park Wan's decisions annoyed me. We don't get the full conversation between Yeon Ha. But I think with the situation going on she should tell her mom and tell him that she intends to be with him. Yeon Ha basically tells Park Wan that she is more important to him than his own mother.

So his gesture at the end was wonderful. However, I'm just hoping that the cliffhanger is one of those dramatic ones where they show us what happens next episode. If there's time for dramatic stares, there's time for a hey some serious stuff is going down with my mom.

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jul 3, 2016

My emotions feel wrecked!

Admittedly this is a slower episode. However, it's one heck of an emotional ride. I was right to feel nervous at the end of the last episode. Hee Ja and Nan Hee's lives are going to be taking unexpected turns. It's moving to see Sung Jae take charge to help Hee Ja. He could have just ignored it or shrugged the responsibility off onto someone else. It's heartbreaking to know the depth of his feelings for her, even if they can never truly be more than deep friends. Who knows.

Nan Hee is leaning on Yeong Won, and I would really like for Nan Hee to officially apologize. Because no matter how Nan Hee treated Yeong Won she's been there for her. Yeong Won couldn't even go to Nan Hee about her cancer, and they've only just reconciled. I feel like Nan Hee has never treated her right. That aside I have no doubt that Yeong Won will help Nan Hee through this.

In the end that's the power of this episode. All of these people are there for each other. I have a feeling the last 3 episodes are going to shred my emotions and then . . . well it involves a box of tissues and dark chocolate. Dear My Friends has painted an excellent story of growing old, embracing life, death, friends, and so on. I have no fear that these next 3 episodes will be bringing it as well. As this episode sets up everyone's stories now it's time to see if they'll be happy endings, tragic ones, or both.

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jun 25, 2016

Very poignant episode.

This was an extremely insightful and poignant episode. It was amazing to watch. Especially as the truth of Jung Ah's revenge comes to light. Her husband asks her "What have I done wrong?" To which she replies, "Nothing." At first I thought she was stupid! Suk Kyoon, her husband, has constantly bullied and belittled her.

She wasn't extracting revenge, she was just tired and wants to take care of herself. To live at ease like her mother wanted.

Sadly Suk Kyoon became a bully to his wife, a man who used to protect Choong Nam from bullies when they were younger. It hinted that Suk Kyoon wasn't this way. That even his daughters told Jung Ah to not spoil him like that, to take matters in hand before she helped make him that way. She never stood up for herself, and her husband took that as a queue to not look to her first.

It was interesting seeing all of these layers. Most important was what Suk Kyoon's only brothers and their wives had to say. Not to mention what they did.

This episode addresses the realities of getting old and I loved it. Just like all the aunties said, " Why not tell the truth. That's what life is like. It's a soap opera."

Okay, my deep ponderings are over.

Again I love how well the writer progresses everyone's story. I'll be heart broken when this show ends, but I'll be happy to have come to know all of these amazing characters. You know, I'm a little surprised that Park Wan is feeling nauseous and dizzy. In US shows you know what that usually means! I don't think I've watched a drama that someone became preggos! Oh, and Nan Hee's mother! Just what a painful note to end it on.

Choong Nam not only extracted revenge, because even old people need to have revenge ha-ha, she new what she was doing. Those professors never swindled her. In fact, "they didn't no their worth" as she has been turning around making a profit off of the art they were selling her! I loved her in this episode! Money is all good and fine, but I still wish for a man to take care of her. (Because I do think it's something she wants.) But no, I should say I hope for her to find her happiness.

For all of the characters happiness in Dear My Friends.

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jun 25, 2016

Revenge shall be the ahjumma's!

First off this episode picks right up from the last one and doesn't miss a beat. Which is good because there are some really great storylines that the last one left off. ^_-

Park Wan and Yeon Ha's scenes were amazing to watch! The fact that Yeon Ha truly waited for her, but still feared that she would just abandon him again. The love that came through was astonishing. Brilliant acting. Park Wan wasn't too bad, and I loved how she committed herself to him.

"Because you wer so lovely I thought you haven't had any obstacles in your life. I guess there doesn't exist a life that's always easy and smooth."~ Quote from Sung Jae~

I'll admit that I didn't like Sung Jae at first, but I really love how he makes Hee Ja come alive. They're really cute together and I believe that it's fabulous to fall in love. No matter the age or when in life. Though I'm really nervous what the writer is going to do about Hee Ja.

My poor beloved Choong Nam! Maybe she really didn't realize how badly the professors were mistreating her. Sometimes it's so easy to overlook those friends and loved ones that will truly be there for you. I loved the ending.

So now we have to older ladies who are out for their just revenge, and I can't wait. This episode did a great job moving everyone's stories along, and I'm really looking forward to how everyone ends up. This is one of the few dramas that is sticking with its 16 episode run time, so I'm looking forward to that. The story has been so tight and clean, except for that hitting a deer business.

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jun 23, 2016

Phew, it's a great follow-up.

To be honest after the last cliffhanger I was really afraid of what the follow-up episode would bring. After watching this episode I can say there was no need to be worried. It had a beautiful message, and a very real one. Sometimes we can't face what we've done, we're not brave enough. So it's easier to blame those closest to us. Because once we work through it and fight, love will pull you through.

I also love the message of friendship between Hee Ja and Choong Nam. Quite honestly I think Choong Nam should find a guy who is totally nuts about her. She's had such a hard life and she keeps giving to her unfortunate family. I hope a great companion comes her way.

I love the cliffhanger! I hope it goes well and it isn't an "almost" thing. Not to mention that this episode really gets the message across. No matter how old you are keep living. Do what you want, and enjoy it!

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jun 19, 2016

Ah, so magical.

The power of true writing and acting merged into one amazing emotional moment. The moment Bo realizes his feelings. I love that it wasn't some big event, it was simply a moment. The actor playing Bo is so amazing with how just subtle changes to his expression conveys so much.

Especially during those daydream scenes. So hilarious! I am a bit disappointed that it all ended on this note. Looks like viewers will be teased some more. Hopefully it will be accompanied by more cute moments from Bo.

Side note: I did enjoy the way the murder mystery was all wrapped up. Creepy. I enjoyed the flare and showmanship of this one. Even if I guessed it.

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jun 19, 2016


Oh, goody! This episode really stepped it up. Finally Seo Ri has great screen time and boy does she shine. Not only that but it's clear she will be the pivotal thing to save not only herself, but everyone affected by the curse. I really hope she is allowed to kick booty! I'm envisioning a huge magical showdown at some point between Hong Joo and Seo Ri!

Not only that but the Queen Dowager pulled a fast one! Thank goodness she isn't stupid enough to blindly follow Hong Joo to get her son back. The Queen has been burned and she knows that everything she did to have her babies was wrong. Talk about a relief! Someone should give her a high five.

Normally I don't care for it when characters who are killed off come back to life, but it is working out well here. I'm just wondering if we will get information on how Hot Monk man came back to life, who was that that carried him away when he was killed? We've got answers for our other walking dead.

Overall the writing is picking up. The holes are slowly filling in. I loved the end of this episode! I was so worried that those two would never get to see each other again. Especially since this episode they had another close call in meeting!

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