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aug 18, 2016

This episode definitely focused more on the…

This episode definitely focused more on the Fire Princess and Kong Shi's story. I ship them even harder now!! I love being able to like and dislike characters on all sides.

So Lotus hates the Fire King, but Kong Shi has both Ice and Fire magic. Does this mean that raping runs int he fire family? As the decesed Prince initially tried to rape the Mermaid Princess. But then if Lotus and the Fire King are his father . . . then how does Kong Shi have ice powers?

Not to mention that I wont be able to ship Kong Shi and the Fire Princess!!!! They will have to be friends.

Yeah!! This means the writing is really starting to step up a bit.

However, I did not like the fight between the Fire Princess and the "Future husband". I dislike it when warrior women are made to lose, stupidly at that, so that the men can step in and save them.


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aug 17, 2016

A pretty solid episode.

I really liked this episode! It had a little bit of everything. Finally the cast of characters are fleshing out and I love it!! AH!

I really thought I was going to be forever annoyed by the Mermaid Princess, but she's cute. You have to give her props for out smarting the guards.

I like how this episode finally confirmed that Lotus is a mermaid. Also that the voice is the big schemer. The voice that I'm pretty sure was talking when they tried to get the sword. So I assumed it was the sword. Is the sword trapping some being and he's trying to escape? I like to see this bigger picture unfold.

Not to mention that Ka Sou is now with the Spirit tribe figuring that out. While the Fire Prince and Princess are dealing with the Bear tribe. Very interesting turns.

I love how cunning and smart Kong Shi is!! Not to mention that devious look from the Mermaid Saint, I think she's not so neutral anymore. ^_-

(Hot spring scene anyone. Ka Suo was struck dumb!)

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aug 17, 2016

Fire Princes definitely have a weakness.

Mermaids. Fire Princes can't say no to mermaid princess. Though I wonder way the Mermaid Saint is such a fish. (Ha-ha.) Do they have no power? Because they're actions aren't really those of a pacifist, but of the weak!

Who knows maybe at the end they'll come out swinging and surprise us all.

Really I'm liking Ice Fantasy more and more. It's also fun seeing the Fire King create enemies. He's going to find himself friendless.

I really want the Fire Princess to turn to the good side and help over throw her father. Maybe then there will be a chance for her and Kong Shi.

Speaking off I think it's so cute that Kong Shi is so knowing about Ka Sou and Li Lou. Especially when Li Lou is trying to spare Ka Sou about his dream! Too cute!

Overall this show is growing on me. Soon my disappointment will evaporate and I'll just be a happy fan. Well kind. What can I say the harsh connoisseur of stories in me can't quite let all the faults go.

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aug 16, 2016

Dream plots and other things.

Normally dream plots tend to bore me. For some reason it always comes up in Fantasy and Science Fiction series. There's always an episode or two where dreams come into play. Usually about loss. Sometimes they can be moving. Other times just boring. Especially when the dream is on repeat.

Ice Fantasy did all of the "boring" things, but made it fun and fresh. So my hats off to the writers for that.

Not to mention that this episode picked up its game. That is in developing some of the cast. Namely Kong Shi and The Fire Princess. I'm not going to lie. I ship them together. Not to mention that I completed connected with Fire Princess. No, I don't condone her actions. However, we get to understand where she's coming from. Not to mention how curious I am about all of her bothers. 10! Well, 9 now. Or are there?

(I really hope they have the over the top Fire hair!!)

The ending for this episode was such a stunner! I just couldn't believe it. Is this episode hinting at better writing and plot? Gosh, I hope so.

(On a side note I love how much eye candy this show has. The costume department has done a stunning job. Not to mention hair and makeup. There's eye candy everywhere! Yeah!)

Kong Shi and Ka Sou keep having amazing chemistry together. I was right, the way the actors are playing the brotherly love is beyond a treat to watch. Not to mention all those secret nods!! Ha-ha!

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aug 16, 2016

Over the top evil laughter!

The amount of crazy evil man laughter present in this episode was crazy! Which makes me firmly believe that cheesiness is the way the director and other such creative parties wanted to take this show. The rat guy had over the top evil villain laughter. Not only does the Fire King grace us with his evil laugh, but apparently the Chief of the Healer does too and he puts the Fire King in his place! No really that was over the top. Which of course I laughed my butt over.

The makeup for the tiger person and rat guy reminded me so much of Cats! Not to mention how adorable the baby tiger person was. Ah! (Though I was really amazed that the Healer Chief's son was so willing to bring out the violence on that poor tiger mom, they stole her baby!) It makes me sad that there won't be more Luna in the rest of the show. Maybe she'll pop up later, but it's clear she's not a reoccurring role.

Ka Suo and the older looking Kong Shi have such amazing chemistry. I'm really looking forward to watching them interact more. I can just feel the brotherly love and that's something I'm very pleased to see unfold. Clearly Kong Shi isn't just Ice .. . . and I'm very curious how that will all come into play.

Overall I had fun. Basically I've come to grips with the fact that Ice Fantasy is campy fantasy fun.

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aug 15, 2016

I blame Ka Suo's smile.

Somehow I've become attached to the characters. I personally blame Ka Suo's gorgeous/playful smile. Because the writers really haven't done much to elevate the plot or characters. (Not to mention dialogue.)

It's time to admit that despite my interenal warnings to drop this drama I'm gonna keep going.

I can't help it!! There's just something . . . addicting about it. Not to mention where things went with Ka Suo's brother!! However, what about all of the other character??? The prisoner's of the King of Fire, so on? There's so many character left behind, as more and more are introduced.

The overtop cheesiness of Ice Fantasy has grown on me. Yes, I still mourn for what could have been. Looks like I will be in for the cheese fest. Not to mention I really like the Poison warrior/healer. She's so bad@$$!

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aug 10, 2016

I lied.

Apparently my curiosity is still present. I pined and pined for this series, and part of me is still not willing to give it up.

It's over the top campy and it makes me laugh. The writers clearly have no idea how to balance out characters, especially so many!

I'll keep pushing on a bit more.
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aug 5, 2016


This episode was a step in the right direction! Focusing more on the cast of characters and the medicine. Even using a medical story inspired from true events that happened in China. So extra points! I'm very curious how the case will end.

Yes, the hospital politics are still there. Oh, and it does exactly what I thought it would do plotwise. Still this episode brought back a lot of what I loved about the show.

Not to mention that Hye Jung confronts Ji Hong about how he just does things without her. Doing everything on his own. Even when she discussed it with him. He needs to change if they can ever be together.

Not to mention that now I really want to cheer for Yoon Do. Likeliness of him getting the girl, no. However, I am still very much for him and Soon Hee being a couple. I really think they would have fire!

Overall I liked the introductory of In Joo back into the story. (We're all shipping her with Ji Hong's womanizing BFF right?) This was a much better step in the right direction for this series and I hope it keeps going that way. Not to mention that it still broke my heart even though I knew it was coming.

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aug 3, 2016

Eye bulge acting.

Wow, the dramatic eye bulge acting is painful to watch. Especially with the Fire King. What is with this horrid acting . . . and the dialog. Did know one tell the director that just because certain scenes look pretty doesn't mean the acting and writing should suffer.

Not to mention the weird bubble affect when they're trying to "span" a big landscape/scene. It really makes me dizzy and I'm happy I'm only watching it on a small screen.

At this point I thought the campiness of Ice Fantasy would grow on me and I'd want to continue out of sheer curiosity. However, everything is just so awkwardly done it's become painful to watch! I recently watched The Mermaid. The over the top acting and what not balanced off. This is just really bad acting. Not to mention how disjointed some flashbacks and many of the fights were.

Heck, last episode I thought many of the fight scenes felt disjointed. What a waste! This really could have been a great show. At this point I may or may not try a few more episodes. If I can ever get over my disappointment of how bad Ice Fantasy is turning out.

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jul 25, 2016

This is on the verge of entering super tackydom.…

This is on the verge of entering super tackydom. I like that it seems like no character is safe, and plenty of intrigue.

However, when the visuals are bad they are BAD. Not to mention this weird bubble/dome affect that hurts my poor eyes. You know it's all pretty much green screen, but the actual sets are very well done. You can feel the LOtR vibes.

However, the writing and acting leaves soooooo much to be desired. Especially the dialogue. I'll stick it out for my obligatory 2 episodes, maybe a bit more. But I don't even think my genuine curiosity can make me stick to this long.
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jul 20, 2016

A little more boring. I'm starting to get a vibe that the hospital politics are going to take over.

Oh, poor Yoon Do. I loved that he was telling his heart not to get too far ahead. Quite honestly Yoon Do has swept me off my feet! (Though I doubt that's solace to him.) I think it's great that Hye Jung was frank and blunt with him. Simply telling him that basically if she were to bother falling in love Ji Hong is the man for her.

Though I find that odd. I get that he's her first love. However, I don't think they had that much time together? Maybe a month or two . . . was it a full semester? I don't know, the flashback was very sketchy on it's time frame. Maybe I'm being grumpy about it because I like Yoon Do! He's so cute and awkward, but I love his confidence! He has a lot of qualities that I like in Hye Jung.

I did like the dynamic of Yoon Do and Ji Hong becoming friends. Especially when they were talking about Ji Hong's confidence, and Ji Hong is so shameless! Ha-ha especially admitting he was so great because he got Hye Jung to enter a flirtation.

Other then that this episode kind of bored me. What can I say the writer is taking the easy way out with Seo Woo. The only thing she's really doing is being openly mean. I'm losing faith in the character. There were some intense moments with Ji Hong's father's surgery, and I enjoyed the human moments between father and son. However, it was mostly boring for me. Not to mention the sly politics going around.

Last time I said Doctors was a great place for shipping characters. Well I want to ship Soon Hee with someone! I've mentioned a few characters before, but I think I know who I really want her to have a romance with. Yoon Do! Wouldn't they be great!

Here's to the show getting a bit more exciting next week--episodes. I'm kind of getting this bad vibe about how Hye Jung's search to find out the truth about her grandma is going to help in the hospital politics. I'm really starting to get nervous that the politics are going to take over.

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jul 19, 2016

Ji Hong's dad is awesome!

No Soo Chul, but I knew that was coming. However, just not enough Soon Hee! Not to mention Soon Hee and Hye Jung's womance! Honestly I just can't get enough of these two together.

Quite a few of the characters are going interesting ways, more notably Seo Woo. Who apparently can't take a hint: everyone is telling her that she does not listen! So now she's become a more horrible person. She's so jealous of Hye Jung that she can't even admit that jealousy.

When Yoon Do stated that he felt like he had already lost before he'd even begun to romance Hye Jung was very insightful. Because as the second lead that's pretty normal. The whole scene when they were bickering over Hye Jung was a little funny and awkward. Points for Ji Hong's total confidence. It would be pretty bold for this series to pull a fast one and let the second lead get they girl.

Oh, my drama! He just gave her a hot car and a rock on hand signal! Ha-ha! The whole thing with the car was hilarious and fun. Which is good because this episode did slow down. Introducing the hospital politics even more. I am nervous about that, Doctors' appeal is the characters! This needs to be an interesting character driven show, not a "who's going to take over the hospital" show. That's why I normally do not like medical Korean dramas.

Holy cow! Ji Hong's dad was totally bad @$$. Clearly this has to show him that is friend is up to know good? Either way I think it's brilliant that he loves Ji Hong that much.

Overall a fun episode! I just hope the take over plot doesn't ruin this.

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jul 16, 2016

Yes, I really wanted it to go like that. But to use the plot twist twice: Lazy writing.

Poor Dan Tae, all that pain was in vain. For papa Gong saw everything!! What a great scene. Especially after those tiring moments before. Phew.

Ugh. Basically Dan Tae is saying, "Stay compliant and don't ask questions. Just unwaveringly ignore how I won't tell you anything." At least Gong Shim got her two cents in, even though I felt like that wasn't how she would have reacted earlier on in the show. Now I just feel like certain parts of her personality have changed. If it's because of her loving Dan Tae, that's a no. But I think the writer just decided to make her more drama friendly.

Redemption! ;_; Redemption Joon Soo. I never doubted you. Anyone would debate with their loved ones involved. It would have worked out so much better if the writer hadn't used her trump card before. Because, I called it and I don't think the leap of thought will be too much for other viewers. My only thought is why would you use your plot twist again? Lazy writing.

It hit me during the boring parts of this episode: I'm reading for Beautiful Gong Shim to be over. I was ready quite a while ago actually. It's those brilliant moments shining through of the things I enjoyed earelier that keep me hooked. Gong Shim and her family. Now my need for Joon Soo's and Gong Shim's dad's to be BFFs! Ha-ha. It just makes me said that the writer chose to go this way with the Beautiful Gong Shim. 2 episodes left guys, and with the big case on the cusp of being over with I'm hoping that the story will evolve around other things for the final two episodes. (Man do I feel bad for Gong Mi the character and the actress. They've basically turned her into an after thought.)

Rating: 5 Average, only a few things are making it good. (I'd give the good parts an 8 though!)

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jul 14, 2016

Flirting with the dark side.

Oh My Ghost has been flirting with the dark side ever since the mystery of Sun Ae's death was first introduced. So for it's balanced comedy, romance, and mild dark themes well. There's been a few punches of the darker side of this story, and boy did this episode bring it! Wow. Wow.

Though to be quite honest I'm not 100% satisfied with the resolution of Seong Jae and his evil spirit. It was too obvious and the easy way out. Though it would be really hard to move the plot forward any other way, especially with only 1 episode left. My poor sweet Eun Hee.

Overall this episode was an intense rush, with cute moments as well. Even with the darker turn coming full on I like that this drama remained a cute romance with comedy flares.

I did have some "minor detail" issues with this episode. (Well quite a few.) So that's why I'm not giving it a perfect 10. Many aspects do deserve that 10! However, I couldn't get over the resolutions with Seong Jae, the kidnapping and many events there, Seon Woo's decision to leave Eun Hee in the dark, the way the cops are involved, the shamaness, and lots of other things.

Still I was on the edge of my seat! Guys, this was intense.

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jul 12, 2016

That was the cliffhanger ending I wanted!

The cliffhanger was the one I had been wishing and hoping for! Maybe now Joon Soo and Dan Tae can work together! Though it will be super hard for Joon Soo, he needs to make his stand. I still have faith in him. Though I'm really disappointed at how fast Dan Tae turned and plotted on Joon Soo. He didn't have faith at all. Joon Soo, to me, is a great guy. In this case the better man, and I hope everything works out in the end for him.

That said I enjoyed the misunderstanding between Gong Shim and Dan Tae. Not only because Dan Tae could see how people jump to conclusions, but because Gong Shim has her fire! That fire that she would tell Dan Tae, "It's my choice. I'll choose." I've missed that, she's become just another complicit lead these past few episodes. Also, that was one of the cutest drama kisses. I love that while it wasn't a passionate kiss, it was very warm. They have chemistry and I loved the whole scene!

Oh, but my favorite thing about this entire episode is hands down Gong Shim's and Joon Soo's dad!! Ha-ha! Oh, I bet they'll love becoming family members. ^_- The whole thing had me in stitches and I loved it! "Call me!"

Guess who's power finally made itself known, it feels odd how random things are making themselves known now in the story. Oh, and Gong Mi is not plotting away. My hope is that things with this boring CEO/kidnapping plot stuff will be wrapped up and the GOOD stuff will take over again. At the very least there's still hope that Beautiful Gong Shim can end on a great note!

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