Welkom bij Jairo's Dramalijst
Van plan om te kijken
Titel | Aflevering | Prioriteit |
1000 Years Old Thais drama | 12 | |
2 Worlds Thais drama | 10 | |
25 Ji, Akasaka de Japans drama | 10 | |
4 Minutes Thais drama | 8 | High |
6/45 Koreaanse film | 1 | Low |
A Tractor Loaded with Love Koreaans drama | 8 | High |
Actor:eal Koreaans drama | 2 | |
After the Restart Japanse film | 1 | High |
Ai Long Nai Thais drama | 12 | Medium |
Aki wa Haru to Gohan wo Tabetai Japanse film | 1 | |
Are You Human Too? Koreaans drama | 36 | |
Bad Guy My Boss Thais drama | 12 | |
Bake Me Please Thais drama | 6 | |
Because of You Taiwanese Drama | 10 | Medium |
BL Drama no Shuen ni Narimashita: Crank Up Hen Japanse Special | 3 | High |
Blossom Campus Koreaans drama | 6 | |
Blueming Koreaans drama | 11 | High |
Boku to Boku ga Sukina Kare to, Kimi to. Japans drama | 30 | |
Bokura no Micro na Shuumatsu Japans drama | 8 | High |
Bokura no Shokutaku Japans drama | 10 | |
Bon Appetit Koreaans drama | 8 | |
Boys in Love Thais drama | ? | |
Boys Planet Koreaans tv-programma | 12 | |
Burnout Syndrome Thais drama | ? | |
Caged Again Thais drama | 10 | |
Check Out Thais drama | 12 | Low |
Cherry Magic Thailand Thais drama | 12 | |
Choco Milk Shake Season 2 Koreaans drama | ? | |
Cityboy_Log Uitzenden Koreaans tv-programma | 33 | |
Coffee Melody Thais drama | 10 | Low |
Coming Back Again Koreaans drama | 8 | Medium |
Cooking Crush Thais drama | 12 | |
Cutie Pie Thais drama | 12 | Low |
Daddy Love Filipijns drama | 6 | Low |
Dangerous Romance Thais drama | 12 | |
Dare You to Death Thais drama | ? | Medium |
Dark Blue and Moonlight Taiwanese Drama | 12 | Low |
Dead Friend Forever - DFF Thais drama | 12 | |
Dear Doctor, I’m Coming For Your Soul Thais drama | 12 | Low |
Destruction Koreaans drama | 16 | Medium |
Does the Flower Bloom? Japanse film | 1 | Medium |
Doku Koi: Doku mo Sugireba Koi to Naru Japans drama | 12 | High |
Don't Say No Thais drama | 12 | High |
Egoist Japanse film | 1 | |
Even Sun Series Thais drama | 6 | Low |
Every You, Every Me Thais drama | 8 | |
Fanatic Love Chinese Films | 1 | Low |
Fhalanrak Thais drama | 12 | Medium |
Follow The Wind Koreaans drama | 8 | |
Fourever You Project Uitzenden Thais drama | 16 | |
Friend Forever Thais drama | 12 | Low |
Gen Y Thais drama | 12 | Medium |
Given Japans drama | 6 | Medium |
Goddess Bless You From Death Thais drama | ? | |
Gray Currents Koreaans drama | 5 | |
Happy of the End Japans drama | 8 | |
Hemp Rope Thais drama | 12 | High |
Hen Jun Bu Si Jiang Lou Yue Chinees drama | 37 | High |
Hidamari ga Kikoeru Japans drama | 12 | |
Hidden Agenda Thais drama | 12 | |
His - What Is Love Japanse film | 1 | High |
Hotel Stars Thais drama | 12 | Low |
I Feel You Linger in the Air Thais drama | 12 | |
I Found Love in 7-11 Thais drama | 8 | Medium |
I Secretly Fell in Love with the Student Council President Taiwanese Drama | 8 | |
I'm the Most Beautiful Count Thais drama | ? | |
In My Mind Thais drama | ? | |
Innocent Taiwanese Drama | 4 | Medium |
Innocent Playmates Chinees drama | 24 | |
Jack and Joker Thais drama | 12 | |
Jazz for Two Koreaans drama | 8 | High |
Kare ga Boku ni Koishita Ryuu Japans drama | 4 | Low |
Kemjira Will Survive Thais drama | 12 | |
Khun mee pa ti harn Thais drama | 16 | High |
Kiseki Thais drama | ? | |
Knock Knock, Boys! Thais drama | 12 | |
Knock Out Thais drama | 13 | |
Koi wo Suru nara Nidome ga Joto Japans drama | 6 | |
La Cuisine Thais drama | 13 | Low |
Last Twilight Thais drama | 12 | |
Laws of Attraction Thais drama | 8 | |
Lost on the River Thais drama | ? | |
Love In the Air: Koi no Yokan Japans drama | 8 | |
Love in the Big City Koreaans drama | 8 | |
Love is like a Cat Koreaans drama | 12 | Low |
Love Mechanics Thais drama | 10 | Low |
Love Sea Thais drama | 10 | |
Love Stage Thais drama | 10 | Medium |
Made in Rooftop Koreaanse film | 1 | High |
Meet You at the Blossom Thais drama | 12 | |
Memoir of Rati Thais drama | ? | |
Memories in Letters Thais drama | 6 | High |
Meow Ears Up Thais drama | 8 | Low |
Minato Shouji Coin Laundry Japans drama | 12 | Medium |
Miracle Taiwanese Drama | 13 | High |
Monster Koreaans drama | 16 | |
Moving Koreaans drama | 20 | |
My Broccoli Thais drama | 10 | |
My Brother's Husband Japans drama | 3 | Low |
My Damn Business Koreaans drama | 7 | |
My Day Filipijns drama | 12 | Low |
My Golden Blood Thais drama | ? | |
My Love Mix-Up! Thais drama | 12 | |
My Personal Weatherman Japans drama | 8 | |
My School President Thais drama | 12 | Medium |
My Stand-In Thais drama | 12 | |
Not Me Thais drama | 14 | Low |
One and Only Chinese Films | 1 | |
Only Friends Thais drama | 12 | High |
Our Blues Koreaans drama | 20 | |
Our Police Course Koreaans drama | 16 | |
Our Stories Thais drama | ? | |
Papa and Daddy Taiwanese Drama | 6 | High |
Peach of Time Koreaans drama | 10 | Low |
Perfect Propose Japans drama | 6 | |
Perfect10 Liners Uitzenden Thais drama | 24 | Medium |
Physical Therapy Thais drama | 12 | High |
Rak Diao Thais drama | 15 | Medium |
Re Start(ed) Thais drama | 11 | Low |
Remember Me Thais drama | 14 | Medium |
Ryu Sun Bi's Wedding Ceremony Koreaans drama | 8 | High |
Second Chance Thais drama | 6 | Medium |
Secret Admirer Thais drama | 12 | |
See Your Love Uitzenden Taiwanese Drama | 13 | |
Shigatsu no Tokyo wa... Japans drama | 8 | |
Shine Thais drama | ? | |
Sing in Love Japanse film | 1 | |
Something in My Room Thais drama | 10 | High |
Sono Koi, Jihanki de Kaemasu ka? Japanse film | 1 | |
Spare Me Your Mercy Thais drama | 8 | |
Stalker Thais drama | 14 | High |
Stay Still Hong Kong-drama | 5 | |
Stuck On You Filipijns drama | 8 | Low |
Sukiyanen Kedo Do Yaro ka Japans drama | 10 | |
Sunset Vibes Thais drama | 12 | |
Sweet Tooth, Good Dentist Thais drama | ? | |
Takara no Vidro Japans drama | 10 | |
Thame - Po Heart That Skips a Beat Uitzenden Thais drama | 13 | |
The Demon Judge Koreaans drama | 16 | |
The Eighth Sense Koreaans drama | 10 | |
The Ghost and I Becoming Family Taiwanese film | 1 | |
The Heart Killers Uitzenden Thais drama | 12 | |
The Promise Thais drama | 10 | |
The Sign Thais drama | 12 | |
The Theory Series Thais drama | ? | |
The Tuxedo Thais drama | 8 | Medium |
The Twentieth Century Girl Koreaanse film | 1 | Low |
The Villain of Romance Koreaans drama | 10 | Medium |
The Yearbook Thais drama | 8 | Low |
This Love Doesn't Have Long Beans Thais drama | 8 | Medium |
Ticket to Heaven Thais drama | ? | |
Triage Thais drama | 13 | High |
Trunk Koreaans drama | 8 | |
Twenty-Five Twenty-One Koreaans drama | 16 | Low |
Twins Thais drama | 12 | |
Unforgotten Night Thais drama | 12 | High |
Unintentional Love Story Spin Off Koreaanse film | 1 | Medium |
Useless Lies Koreaans drama | 16 | |
Wandee Goodday Thais drama | 12 | |
We Are Thais drama | 16 | |
We Best Love: Forever the First Taiwanese Drama | 6 | Medium |
Weather Forecast Love Koreaans drama | 8 | |
Wedding Plan Thais drama | 7 | |
Will They Find a Spark? Filipijnse tv-show | 8 | |
Win Jaime's Heart Filipijns drama | 6 | |
With My Dear Bro Koreaans tv-programma | 6 | |
Wo Tsai Che Li Teng Ni Taiwanese film | 1 | |
You Are My Favorite Thais drama | 12 | Low |
Zenra Meshi Japans drama | 12 |