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1 mensen vonden deze beoordeling nuttig
nov 1, 2023
Voltooid 0
Geheel 4.5
Verhaal 5.0
Acting/Cast 4.0
Muziek 4.0
Rewatch Waarde 4.0
Pinoy erotic film for variety is not of high quality, but there are definitely people interested in this kind of movies and I watched it too to take a break from BL projects.
The main character of the film - Franco (JM Martinez) really has nothing to be ashamed of his body. He ended up being cast in about three more Filipino gay movies.
And now to the picture itself. The local acting "star" Brent doesn't look that attractive, he has other - acting strengths that put him in the limelight of "fame" in the local Philippine area. About two scenes in the film, to make it clear, are just Frank's "imaginations" of what he would do with Brent in bed, because Brent is a heterosexual and from the radio broadcast it appears that he is currently looking for some smart ladies.
I will not look for negatives, those who need to massage their bruised egos will laugh at that, and from the positives of the film, I highlight that the creators wanted to show the issue of fanaticism towards "stars", who are just as ordinary people as others, stalking, which can lead to criminal acts, you will also learn more about the homes of poorer Filipinos, not just the "tinsel" that we know from BL series and movies...

Pinoy erotický snímek pro zpestření sice nedosahuje vysokých kvalit, ale zájemci o takovýto druh filmů se jistě najdou a i já jsem se podíval, abych si oddechl od BL projektů.
Hlavní postava filmu - Franco (JM Martinez) se opravdu nemá za své tělo co stydět. Nakonec byl obsazen do asi tří dalších filipínských gay filmů.
A teď ke snímku samotnému. Místní herecká "hvězda" Brent zase až tak atraktivně nevypadá, má jiné - herecké přednosti, které ho dosadily na výsluní "slávy" v místní filipínské lokalitě. Asi dvě scény ve filmu, aby to nemátlo, jsou jen "představy" Franka, co by s Brentem v posteli dělal, neboť Brent je heterák a z rozhlasového vysílání vyplývá, že se zrovna pootáčí po nějaké šikovné dámské partii.
Zápory hledat nebudu, na tom si smlsnou ti, kteří si potřebují promasírovat své pošramocené ego tady a z kladů filmu vyzdvihuji, že tvůrci chtěli ukázat na problematiku fanatismu do "hvězd", které jsou stejně obyčejnými lidmi jako ostatní, stalkingu, které může vést až ke kriminálním činům, dozvíte se více i o příbytcích chudších Filipínců, ne spíše jen "pozlátko", které známe z BL seriálů a filmů ...

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Vond je deze recentie nuttig?
1 mensen vonden deze beoordeling nuttig
nov 1, 2023
1 van 1
Voltooid 0
Geheel 8.0
Verhaal 7.0
Acting/Cast 7.0
Muziek 9.0
Rewatch Waarde 9.0
Why not take a nice mini-moment? Not sharing the feeling of beauty with a Singaporean and a Cambodian. After all, we are in this world in this body only once...
Perfectly chosen music. And Asians? I don't mind them at all, quite the opposite.
"You said this was the best summer of your life... but for me the summer never ended"

Proč si neudělat příjemnou minichvilku? Nesdílet pocit krásna se Singapurcem a Kambodžanem. Vždyť jsme na tomto světě v tomto těle jen jednou ...
Bezva zvolená hudba. A Asiaté? Ti mě už vůbec nevadí, ba právě naopak.
"Řekl jsi, že toto je nejlepší léto tvého života ... ale pro mě to léto nikdy neskončilo"

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Vond je deze recentie nuttig?
The Effect
1 mensen vonden deze beoordeling nuttig
nov 1, 2023
3 van 3
Voltooid 0
Geheel 5.0
Verhaal 4.0
Acting/Cast 5.0
Muziek 5.0
Rewatch Waarde 5.0
I wasn't interested in the series until the moment "it happened". Mechanicalness, planking, talking heads sleepwalking. That's how it affected me, even though I know what the creators wanted to say. Then a slight shock from the twist, which I did not expect and the rest does not need to be written by me, because both reviews below me, even if they are different, are partly right and I confess that I would not like to see another series with this theme from Thailand, because a series where what happened happens at the very end is a waste of time for me.

Do okamžiku, kdy se "to stalo" mě seriál nijak nezaujal. Strojenost, prkennost, mluvící hlavy náměsíčně chodící. Tak to na mě zapůsobilo, i když vím, co tím chtěli tvůrci říci. Posléze mírný šok ze zvratu, který jsem nečekal a zbytek netřeba ode mě psát, neboť obě recenze pode mnou, i když jsou odlišné, mají zčásti pravdu a přiznám se, že už další seriál s tímto námětem bych z Thajska nechtěl vidět, neboť čučet na seriál, kde se úplně na konci stane to, co se stalo, je pro mě ztráta času.

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Vond je deze recentie nuttig?
Color Rush
1 mensen vonden deze beoordeling nuttig
nov 1, 2023
8 van 8
Voltooid 0
Geheel 9.0
Verhaal 8.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Muziek 10
Rewatch Waarde 10
The relationship of two people, friendship, falling in love, love, co-dependence, were presented delicately and in the angle of one of the mysterious views and it was a revival. In my opinion, it's by no means a below average "gray" BL series, but it's a little gem that intensified and made the colors in my soul shine through. The school was there, but it was in the background, only as a means to develop the plot. Also, the story was dedicated to both young people and did not run into unnecessary delays. Both main characters gave good performances, I was particularly impressed by the 20-year-old singer, model and actor Heo Hyun Jun in the role of Yeon's "probe" Yo Han. Rating: 8 8 10 10

It was a big disappointment for me that my "darling" - Hyun Jun - is no longer playing in the second series. I was hesitant to even watch. Fortunately, Se Hyun appeared there and with the help of this Korean symposium I watched, because the second main character Yeon Woo didn't really get under my nose with his bobbed hair and long Asian "claws". The story was very rushed and contrived, it kept reminding me that it was fictional and I also missed a larger percentage of the BL relationship between the main characters, which was caught up in the last episode with the "dead fish" kiss. Rating: 4 6 8 6


Vztah dvou lidí, přátelství, zamilovanost, láska, spoluzávislost, byly podány jemně a v úhlu jednoho z mysteriozních pohledů a bylo oživením. Dle mě to není v žádném případě podprůměrný "šedý" BL seriál, ale je to malý klenot, který zintenzivnil a prozářil barvy v mé duši. Škola tam sice byla, ale byla upozaděná, jen jako prostředek k rozvinutí děje. Také příběh se věnoval oběma mladíkům a neodbíhal do zbytečných zdržovaček. Oba hlavní hrdinové podali pěkné výkony, oslovil mě především dvacetiletý zpěvák, model a herec Heo Hyun Jun v roli Yeonova "probeho" Yo Hana. Hodnocení: 8 8 10 10

Zklamáním bylo pro mě velkým, že v druhé sérii už nehraje můj "miláček" - Hyun Jun. Váhal jsem, zda se budu vůbec dívat. Naštěstí se tam objevil Se Hyun a za pomoci tohoto korejského sympoše jsem se dodíval, neboť druhý hlavní hrdina Yeon Woo mi pod nos moc nelezl se svými vlasy na prcinku a dlouhými asijskými "drápy". Příběh byl moc ukvapený a vyumělkovaný, stále mi to připomínalo, že to je smyšlené a chybělo mi tam i větší procento BL vztahu mezi hlavními hrdiny, které bylo dohnáno v posledním díle polibkem "mrtvých ryb". Hodnocení: 4 6 8 6


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Vond je deze recentie nuttig?
Dear Tenant
1 mensen vonden deze beoordeling nuttig
nov 1, 2023
Voltooid 0
Geheel 10
Verhaal 10
Acting/Cast 10
Muziek 10
Rewatch Waarde 10
I am not at all surprised that the film and the actors of the characters of Lina and the grandmother won film awards. The powerful story of Lin, a troubled gay man who has lost his friend, and cares for his friend's mother and his friend's son from a previous relationship with a woman. Everything is complicated by the death of the grandmother...
An absolutely outstanding performance by 39-year-old Taiwanese actor Mo Tzu-Yi (Morning Mo) in the lead role and other high-level acting. Such a deep film about a struggling gay character deserves a translation, which was translated by M.anon at my suggestion now in mid-March 2021. Those Taiwanese don't seem ....

Vůbec se nedivím, že film a herci postav Lina a babičky získali filmová ocenění. Silný příběh osudem zkoušeného homosexuála Lina, který ztratil přítele, stará se o přítelovu matku a přítelova syna, kterého měl z předchozího vztahu se ženou. Vše se komplikuje smrtí babičky ...
Naprosto vynikající výkon 39ti letého taiwanského herce Mo Tzu-Yi (Morning Mo) v hlavní roli a i další herecké výkony na vysoké úrovni. Tak hluboký film o jedné zkoušené gay postavě si zaslouží překlad, který na můj podnět přeložila M.anon teď v polovině března 2021. Ti Taiwanci se nezdají ....

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Vond je deze recentie nuttig?
Evening Cafe
1 mensen vonden deze beoordeling nuttig
nov 1, 2023
4 van 4
Voltooid 0
Geheel 6.0
Verhaal 5.0
Acting/Cast 5.5
Muziek 7.0
Rewatch Waarde 6.5
A simple story of how to wrap up the one for whom our hearts and souls burned.
Although this web series is short and the goal is clear, it didn't seem so bad to me. Above all, I perceived very nice accompanying music, which tastefully underscored the individual scenes (I don't mean the main song during the credits), nice faces (except for the overheated owner of the cafe, but no offense intended). I appreciate that none of the actors had that hideous affine helmet and you got a better sense of the shape of the face. I just missed the famous final kiss...

Jednoduchý příběh jak sbalit toho, pro koho nám zahořelo naše srdce a duše.
Přestože je tento web seriálek krátký a cíl jasný, tak mi zase až tak špatný nepřipadal. Především jsem vnímal velmi pěknou doprovodnou hudbu, která podkreslovala vkusně jednotlivé scény (nemyslím hlavní píseň u titulků), sympatické tváře (až na hodně přihřátého majitele kavárny, ale není míněno ve zlém). Oceňuji, že ani jeden z herců neměl tu příšernou afinkovou helmu a člověk lépe vnímal tvar obličeje. Jen ta pověstná závěrečná pusinka mi chyběla ...

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Vond je deze recentie nuttig?
TharnType 2
1 mensen vonden deze beoordeling nuttig
okt 31, 2023
12 van 12
Voltooid 0
Geheel 8.5
Verhaal 8.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Muziek 9.0
Rewatch Waarde 8.0
The departure of the director and production from the first season and the arrival of a different team of creators (except Mame) was visible, and in my opinion, the second season did not reach as high a quality bar as the first season. The main couple had nowhere to go much further in their relationship, so Tharn often turned into a suspicious naive and Type into a dramatic hurt "hero", and the footage was more devoted to many new or old faces, and often their behavior in the plot seemed far-fetched to me (e.g. Fiat, Doctor). Nevertheless, the charm of the main couple almost remained intact and I admire these two young men aged 30 and 23, how they managed to do it all and that they had to go through hundreds of commercials, conferences, shots, where they had to keep patting each other, holding hands or giving each other kisses. ..
Mom should write "something" more from life, not these fairy tales, when always one of the main pair of faculty students is "fairly" rich (TharnType, Love By Chance), although I note that both projects were of a high level. I can admit that Tharn's scary brother Thorn (he's actually younger) struck me as gay the most, but he was playing straight (now in 2022 playing Tankhun in KinnPorsche) and Tharn and Thorn's parents were great, beautiful the mother, who would actually have had Thorne at about nine years old, and the father, a Thai-Austrian singer and actor, was nice.
A lot of people may curse these BL series, but without us realizing it, they serve one very important function. Which one? Guess...

Odchod režiséra a produkce z první řady a nástup jiného týmu tvůrců (kromě Mame) byl vidět a druhá řada dle mě nedosáhla tak vysoké laťky kvality jako řada první. Hlavní dvojice se už ve vztahu nikam moc dál neměla kam posunovat a tak se Tharn proměnil mnohdy v podezřívavou naivku a Type v dramatického ublíženého "hrdinu" a stopáž byla více věnována mnohým novým či staronovým tvářím a mnohdy jejich chování v ději mi připadalo přitažené za vlasy (např. Fiat, Doktor). Přesto kouzlo hlavní dvojice téměř zůstalo nedotčeno a obdivuji tyto dva mladé muže ve věku 30 a 23 let, jak to všechno dokázali a že museli absolvovat stovky reklam, konferencí, šotů, kde se museli stále otlapkávat, držet za ručičky nebo si i dávat pusinky ...
Mame by už měla napsat "něco" více ze života, ne tyto pohádky, kdy vždy jeden z hlavní dvojice studentů fakult je "pohádkově" bohatý (TharnType, Love By Chance), i když podotýkám, že oba projekty měly vysokou úroveň. Můžu se přiznat k tomu, že Tharnův straší bratr Thorn (ve skutečnosti je mladší), mi nejvíce připadal jako gay, ale ten zrovna hrál heteráka (nyní v r. 2022 zaperlil postavou Tankhuna v KinnPorsche) a Tharnovi a Thornovi rodiče byli bezva, krásná matka, která by ve skutečnosti musela mít Thorna asi v devíti letech a i otec, thajsko-rakouský zpěvák a herec, byl sympaťák.
Spousta lidí může na tyto BL seriály nadávat, ale ony, aniž bychom si to uvědomovali, plní jednu velice důležitou funkci. Jakou? Hádejte ...

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Vond je deze recentie nuttig?
SaifahZon Story
1 mensen vonden deze beoordeling nuttig
okt 31, 2023
3 van 3
Voltooid 0
Geheel 7.0
Verhaal 5.0
Acting/Cast 7.0
Muziek 9.0
Rewatch Waarde 7.0
I expected a little more than I got. The idea of blending between the novel and the real story was solid. A little childish, naive. They turned the beautiful twenty-five-year-old singer Tommy into a disintegrating tiny naive boy with a traditional helmet on his head in the form of carefully combed afina (Moravian) or bangs (Czech) in his eyes, so the prettiest thing about the series is a serial song, but it was already recorded outside series and presented here as the second video in the Videos folder, where both "boys" already look civil, not bound by the story, and their relationship in that clip sounds more true, more believable than the entire miniseries together.

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Vond je deze recentie nuttig?
Meet Me Outside
1 mensen vonden deze beoordeling nuttig
okt 31, 2023
6 van 6
Voltooid 0
Geheel 8.5
Verhaal 8.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Muziek 8.0
Rewatch Waarde 9.0
A pleasant, fresh piece, unencumbered by the heavy cloud of quantitative Pinoy production, which proved to us that even poop can be made into a whip. We could feel the ease with which the duo of creators approached us already with the series Gaya Sa Pelikula. In my opinion, the music was also not below average, on the contrary, from the beginning, when there was "massive" communication between the two main characters and the exchange of texts was constantly speeding up, I found Tchaikovsky's Flower Waltz very funny and imaginative, the processing was excellent.
"It's going to be a long journey. Are you ready???" An absolute delicacy.

Příjemné, svěží dílko, nezatížené těžkým mrakem množiny kvantitativní pinoy produkce, které nám dokázalo, že i z hovínka lze uplést bič. Bylo cítit tu lehkost, s jakou nás oslovilo duo tvůrců už se seriálem Gaya Sa Pelikula. Hudba dle mě také nebyla podprůměrná, naopak, zezačátku, kdy probíhala "masivní" komunikace mezi oběma hlavnímu postavami a neustále se výměna textů zrychlovala, tak mi přišel Čajkovského Květinový valčík jako velice vtipný a nápaditý, zpracování výborné.
"Bude to dlouhá cesta. Jsi připraven???" Naprostá chuťovka.

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Vond je deze recentie nuttig?
1 mensen vonden deze beoordeling nuttig
okt 30, 2023
8 van 8
Voltooid 0
Geheel 8.0
Verhaal 8.0
Acting/Cast 7.0
Muziek 6.0
Rewatch Waarde 8.0
A Korean series from a sports environment with excellent skits by Ugly Duckling, which was also produced as a feature film (we also have it here with a skit by monvi-ho), will surely conjure up a good mood for every viewer. The story was conceived in a comedic way, and Sang Ha imposed himself and pandered to Jin Won too much for my taste, and I was disturbed by the horrible roaring pianos in some scenes. On the contrary, pleasant songs colored other scenes, it should be highlighted that Hang was struggling with a difficult fate in life (he was literally fighting for survival), and at the same time he was still able to love, and the final kiss was just right (neither breathing fishes, nor anything exaggerated, what would again the viewer did not believe). A nice diversion.

Korejský seriál ze sportovního prostředí s výbornými sk tit od Škaredého Káčatka, který byl vyroben i jako celovečerní film (ten zde máme též s cz tit od monvi-ho), jistě každému divákovi vykouzlí dobrou náladu. Příběh byl pojat komediálně a Sang Ha se na můj vkus vnucoval a podlézal Jin Wonovi až moc a rušily mě v některých scénách ty příšerné řvavé klavíry. Naopak příjemné písně dobarvily jiné scény, vyzdvihnout je třeba to, že Hang bojoval s těžkým životním osudem (doslova bojoval o přežití), a přitom dokázal ještě i milovat a závěrečný polibek byl tak akorát (ani nedýchající štítivé ryby, ani nic přehnaného, čemu by zase divák nevěřil). Příjemné zpestření.

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Vond je deze recentie nuttig?
Step for You
1 mensen vonden deze beoordeling nuttig
okt 28, 2023
Voltooid 0
Geheel 10
Verhaal 10
Acting/Cast 10
Muziek 10
Rewatch Waarde 10
A fine Korean short where most viewers will guess exactly what will come in the next scene, I can recommend it to all GT users. You will be pleased with the light Asian treatment, including "affines", only in one scene will you be betrayed by the English subtitles, but in the one that absolutely everyone will guess.

On March 24, 2022, I played the short again with sk subtitles and I definitely have to increase the value of the picture. Such a little gem, actually a PEARL, not a pure romance for a below-average 3.8 - but for me it's straight up a ten, wonderful including the fact that the ending is "finally" as it is. Beautifully played.

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Vond je deze recentie nuttig?
Two Men
1 mensen vonden deze beoordeling nuttig
okt 27, 2023
Voltooid 0
Geheel 8.0
Verhaal 8.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Muziek 8.0
Rewatch Waarde 8.0
Maybe I was looking for even more depth in this original, almost unique Chinese short than it has. Or am i wrong?

I watched again because the music was a powerful storyteller, perhaps greater than the dancing skills of the individual protagonists. Asian concept ... if they had masks, I wouldn't recognize them as being from China. Different, different from tons of other shorts. I'm raising the rating. Damn, that music got me...

Maybe I was looking for even more depth in this original, almost unique Chinese short than it has. Or am i wrong?

I watched again because the music was a powerful storyteller, perhaps greater than the dancing skills of the individual protagonists. Asian concept ... if they had masks, I wouldn't recognize them as being from China. Different, different from tons of other shorts. I'm raising the rating. Damn, that music got me...

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Vond je deze recentie nuttig?
Laruang Lalake
1 mensen vonden deze beoordeling nuttig
okt 27, 2023
Voltooid 0
Geheel 6.0
Verhaal 6.0
Acting/Cast 5.5
Muziek 7.0
Rewatch Waarde 6.0
This film is different in that the story itself deals with the "production" of erotic gay films, auditions, and has more of a narrative value than being a drama. There is only a glimmer of what could be called a plot, or a romance, the young men will do anything to stay afloat and not have to return to their province. In the theme of the film about the production of a gay erotic film, I see the only major positive of this piece.

Apart from the fact that a bunch of censors end up rejecting this film within a film, we can as always squirm with half-naked and naked men on stage, who look more like caterpillars in a death throes. I rate from the point of view of older pinoy movies.

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Vond je deze recentie nuttig?
okt 25, 2023
2 van 2
Voltooid 0
Geheel 7.0
Verhaal 7.0
Acting/Cast 5.0
Muziek 7.5
Rewatch Waarde 7.0
So it was confusion upon confusion, I mean the story. I agree that some Thai projects (not all) are going a bit out of line by telling the world that love knows no gender and doesn't care about sexual orientation. I think she really cares and if many on the net are still hesitating, then Nick was gay as a log, he just couldn't admit it, put it together, harmonize his life with it. I watched mainly because of Nut (the character Nick), for me he is a symposia with a beautiful athletic figure and I think this role suited him a little less than in the two series we have here and he plays an excellent leading role in them and I recommend watching them (Gray Rainbow and Dear Doctor, I'm Coming for Soul). In terms of acting, I thought it was a bit weaker, and I believed the real Nick the most - the narrator, who is not listed here on MDL in the cast. In any case, a solid piece that makes the viewer think.

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Vond je deze recentie nuttig?
1 mensen vonden deze beoordeling nuttig
okt 21, 2023
Voltooid 0
Geheel 8.0
Verhaal 8.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Muziek 8.0
Rewatch Waarde 8.0
Two nice Filipino actors Coco Martin and Paolo Rivero, whom we know from other Pinoy movies listed here on GT (Masahista, Jay, Walang Kawala, Little Boy Big Boy, Bayaw, my favorite Heavenly Touch and maybe others, I can't remember them all), they managed the whole movie in two. Sad movie. Nicely played...

Decide to meet fate just the two of them? Both have already decided to look socially "tolerable" for relationships with women, but true love is here, between them. Neither of them belong to the Filipino poor, JP has a shop and William is moving to Australia. Or that JP would move in with him?

The film is originally 75 minutes long. The copy on YT is "only" 60 minutes long - did the hand of the censor intervene? But I rate the original film and the actors. Where the full 75 min is is a mystery to me, but if you watch other copies and not the shortened one on YT, these lines contain the cut scenes. But it's more about the beauty of the male body, erotically, don't expect any porn, which adds even more value to the film.

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Vond je deze recentie nuttig?